Ethically Unacceptable: Eugenics By Any Other Name Is Still Eugenics
“Eugenic Family” – the emblem of the library of the
Eugenics Society in the 1930s. Image via Wiki Commons
from the Galton Institute, formerly the British Eugenics
Society, now rebranded as the Adelphi Genetics Forum. (Wikimedia Commons)
Transhumans are pushing for a eugenics-based society that will create a class of "haves" versus "have-nots". The "have-nots" will be ultimately bred out of, or eliminated from the human gene pool. This was Hitler's precious dream and it is just as evil today as it was in the 1930s. Remember, however, that the eugenics originally started in 1909 in Berkeley, California.
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Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.