Technocracy is, at first, the "Science of Social Engineering." Thereafter, it is a totalitarian economic system that seeks to micromanage, routinize, corral, gaslight, scrutinize, and transform all life on planet earth. Technocracy has been the tool of choice since it was adopted by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973 when they started the Trilateral Commission to subvert all global resources into the hands of the chosen few.
Food Systems
Arch-Technocrat Bill Gates is promoting his just-released autobiography, Source Code: My Beginnings, and of course, he has the chops to get on the Jimmy Fallon show. Fawning as always, Fallon was genuinely shocked to hear that humans will be needed “Not for most things." Will AI write all jokes in the future comedians and then stand up a lifelike avatar comedian to deliver to the TV? This will probably haunt Fallon in the coming days.
First yeast, then ?? Genetic scientists are ecstatic that they have outdone God, a common Transhuman fantasy. They think that they will go on to create food crops for human and animal consumption that could " survive the rigors of a changing climate or widespread disease." Oh, thrill. What could go wrong with this?
Genetic Engineering
It Begins: OpenAI Debuts ‘ChatGPT Gov’ For Governments
Gen Z ‘Ready To Embrace Dictatorship In Britain After Losing Trust In Democracy’
Arch-Technocrat Marc Andreessen Says AI Goal Is To Crash Human Wages
Fintech & Blockchain, Government
Technocrat Solution: Musk Suggests Blockchain To Curb Government Spending
The Dangerous Delusion that Governments, including BRICS, are Sovereign and Can Stop Technocracy
WEF Crumbles: Does This Signal The Arrival Of The Great Reset?
The Stargate Is Open: Enter The Sand Gods
Most Recent Daily Podcasts
Climate Change
Global Warming Fail: Arctic Ice Is 26% Larger Than 2012
Global Warming is the greatest hoax in history. In fact, the world is COOLING! It has caused trillions of dollars in mal-investment globally to centralize global resources into a few hands. This is the effect that David Rockefeller called for in 1973 when he co-founded the Trilateral Commission with Brzezinski: the "New International Economic Order", aka Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
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UN “Climate” Deal OKs “Carbon Markets”
IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns
‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth Being Created To Predict The Future, Micro-Manage Everything
UNDP: Why Legal Identity Is Crucial To Tackling The Climate And Energy Crisis
Technocracy: Hegemony And Propaganda Drive You To Love Your Servitude
Technocracy is, at first, the “Science of Social Engineering.” Thereafter, it is a totalitarian economic system that seeks to micromanage, routinize, corral, gaslight, scrutinize, and transform all life on planet earth. Technocracy has been the tool of choice since it was adopted by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973 when they started the Trilateral Commission to subvert all global resources into the hands of the chosen few.
Read MoreMusk Gains Access To Treasury Department Payment System
The Dangerous Delusion that Governments, including BRICS, are Sovereign and Can Stop Technocracy
The Stargate Is Open: Enter The Sand Gods
Joe Allen: After The Great Remix, Technocracy Is Still Here
2030 Agenda
How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?
How did all this garbage - pure Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy - show up in our cities and states? Answer: a full-court barrage of UN agents. I dare you to search for your city and the words "climate action plan" on Google. You will be shocked! I estimate that seventy percent of all cities already have a formal plan, and another twenty percent are working on it.
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15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America
King Charles Plots To Accelerate UN 2030 Agenda Goals And Complete Digitization Of Humanity
UN Extends Authority To Manage “Extreme Global Shocks”
Dutch Farmers Rebel: UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Behind Draconian AG Shutdown
Sustainable Development
Huge Fail: Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights
Six years after this UN Declaration was ratified, the field of NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) science exploded, and with it, the lust for Transhumanism was set on fire. NBIC was conceived by the National Science Foundation of the United States in a 2003 paper titled "Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance," authored by Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge. Within a few short years, NBIC spread to every major university worldwide;
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