Master Plan: The Technocratic Blueprint
Master Plan: The Technocratic Blueprint

We have been warned by several experts about the collapse of reality at the hands of Technocrats. This article shows Technocracy as the only "system of control that makes such reality engineering possible on a global scale." Technocrats have been building this system since the 1930s when they first defined Technocracy as "the Science of Social Engineering."


AI Facial Recognition Software Resulting In False Arrests
AI Facial Recognition Software Resulting In False Arrests

Technocrat-influenced Police departments routinely hide the fact that they are using AI software to collar suspects, but too many innocent people are being wrongly charged. Part of the problem is that law enforcement management doesn't understand AI in the first place, which encourages a culture that encourages sloppy police work and an over-reliance on AI to do their work for them. Pre-crime and facial recognition are the bane of law enforcement.


OpenAI Releases Economic Blueprint For The Future
OpenAI Releases Economic Blueprint For The Future

The keys to AI's development are "chips, data, energy, and talent." Humans make chips, generate data, produce energy, and supply brain power. Increasingly, AI will move into every domain. This blueprint is essentially a picture of CEO Sam Altman's brain that makes Pollyanna out to be a pessimist. It all hinges on the razor's edge, tipping over to autocratic rule or total reindustrialization:  "This country always succeeds when it bets on its ecosystem of builders and entrepreneurs." Um...


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Master Plan: The Technocratic Blueprint

We have been warned by several experts about the collapse of reality at the hands of Technocrats. This article shows Technocracy as the only “system of control that makes such reality engineering possible on a global scale.” Technocrats have been building this system since the 1930s when they first defined Technocracy as “the Science of Social Engineering.”

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