
Elon Musk Just Ignited A Range War Between Technocrats And Populists (Updated)

It should be apparent that Elon Musk and his merry band of Technocrats have sparked a range war, not a civil war, with the MAGA populist movement. They were not part of the populist movement in the first place. Technocrats have nothing in common with anything MAGA. It promises to get ugly.

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Are Americans Slouching Toward Technocratic Rule?

The liberal and thoroughly woke publication, The Conversation, reports on a poll that "Large numbers of Americans want a strong, rough, anti-democratic leader." The only takeaway is that American sentiment is swinging toward those who can "just fix stuff" with more authoritarian and Technocratic rule. This is very dangerous Technopopulism, a blending of Technocracy and Populism.

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