Review Of Patrick Wood’s 2015 Interview With John B. Wells
Review Of Patrick Wood’s 2015 Interview With John B. Wells

Not surprisingly, the 3 1/2-hour interview with John B. Wells referenced in this article has been scrubbed from the Internet, although I suspect that Wells still has the original. However, this was a blockbuster set of revelations that exhausted my knowledge at that point. Much more is known now.


Rabbit Hole Of Despair: The More Content You Consume, The Worse Mental Health Gets
Rabbit Hole Of Despair: The More Content You Consume, The Worse Mental Health Gets

The harmful effects of too much "screen time", especially with social media, have been known for years. Social media is legendary for its addictive enticement. When Technocracy first defined itself in 1934 as the "Science of Social Engineering", it launched technology 0n a trajectory to destroy mental health, not to help it. Now Technocrats are harnessing AI to push the world into a simulacrum, or anti-reality. 

Social Engineering

Don’t Let Police Deceive You To Get Access To Your Phone
Don’t Let Police Deceive You To Get Access To Your Phone

Whoa! If you give a policeman your phone for any reason, and you have a biometric ID turned on (facial recognition or fingerprint), you will expose all the data on your phone: pictures, passwords, financial information, chat streams, email, etc. Don't let that happen! Immediately turn off all biometric ID features on your phone and use a password instead. If your phone has an anti-theft feature to block repeating guessing of your password, turn it on! The same logic applies to tablets and laptops.

Police State

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‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth Being Created To Predict The Future, Micro-Manage Everything

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Review Of Patrick Wood’s 2015 Interview With John B. Wells

Not surprisingly, the 3 1/2-hour interview with John B. Wells referenced in this article has been scrubbed from the Internet, although I suspect that Wells still has the original. However, this was a blockbuster set of revelations that exhausted my knowledge at that point. Much more is known now.

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2030 Agenda

How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?

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Sustainable Development

“Pact for the Future”: Nations To Swear Fealty To UN

Fealty: "the fidelity of a vassal or feudal tenant to his lord." These national leaders aren't free agents but rather behave like they are members of a cult, given over to self-harm. The UN mixes the magic potion that is willingly consumed, converting them into global citizen/slaves. If the U.S. were to stop funding the UN, it would fold like a deck of cards

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