Trilateral Commission

Jimmy Carter: The Trilateral Commission President Who Sold Out America

David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and now Jimmy Carter are united in the grave of infamy for what they did to America in the 1970s. Carter, a peanut farmer from Georgia and former governor of that state, was hand picked, groomed and trained by Brzezinski to capture our nation for the Trilateral Commission, lock, stock and barrel.

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The Most Censored Subjects On Earth: The Trilateral Commission, Technocracy & Transhumanism

While everyone else whines about being censored over trivial news stories, the most important themes are being obliterated. Why? Because the threat of exposure is too great for the evil agenda of Technocrats and Transhumanists. For over 50 years, Technocrats and the designers of the so-called "Technetronic Era" and the "New International Economic Order" have operated under the cover of anonymity. You can see the big artillery of the Trilateral Commission swoop in to destroy any person or organization who gets too close.

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