Social Engineering

Humanity Enslaved In The Nanotech-Prison

The evil twin of Technocracy is Transhumanism, and they coordinate together in perfect harmony. What people missed with Technocracy is bad enough: Transhumanism (which is abjectly personal) will kill all human autonomy. NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno), or Convergence Science, is not about improving human performance but rather is about constructing an inescapable bio-nano prison around all humanity. Like Harari said, "the technology is going under your skin."

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Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic Tyranny Behind A Medical Mask

When Technocracy defined itself as the "Science of Social Engineering" in 1937, it assembled all the tools it would need to deceive mankind. Nobody took them at their word back then. Today, the evidence is clear that the world is unwittingly captive to a technocratic tyranny. Scoffers take note: if you WILL NOT read authoritative articles like this, you will be a captive forever.

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