Total Surveillance Society

NYC Expands Use Of Drones To Respond To Crimes

The genie is out of the bottle, granting wishes to the Technocrats of the world. Like a "Person of Interest" episode, drones can use high-resolution facial recognition cameras to harvest images and conversations of all people along the flight path. The constant use of drones puts a blanket of fear on citizens who don't want to be caught in a surveillance dragnet.

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Dropped Without Notice: Insurers Spy On Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons To Cancel Coverage

Did your home insurance rates suddenly take an unexplained hit? Did you get dropped by your carrier without explanation? Chances are that your property (and everything about it) is being spied on from space and analyzed by risk-assessing AI—then you just get the pink slip, only to find that there is no recourse, that all decisions are final. Worse, your property is put on a blacklist to alert other insurance companies to stay away from you.

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