
Meta Launches Twitter Clone, Harvests All Your Data, Immediately Starts Censoring

For all of Zuckerberg's bluster about his Twitter-killing clone called Threads, it may end up being a nothing-burger if users figure out how much personal data is being sucked out of their mobile devices used to access the platform. Zuck is a consummate Technocrat who sees no issue with hoovering up your data in return for using his free app.

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Warning: The Metaverse Is A Grave Danger To Child Development

The future of the Metaverse is so big that Mark Zuckerberg changed the name of Facebook to Meta. Gaming and educational tech companies are racing to hook children as young as 3 years old into a virtual world that will literally re-write brain functions, warping reality and tricking them into experiences that cannot be distinguished from reality. Parents be warned! Keep your children out of virtual reality.

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