June 2024

‘Climate Change’ Is A $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer From The Poor To The Rich

I have repeatedly said that the Trilateral Commission's original objective was to fleece the world by stealing all the resources. Many other astute thinkers have pierced the veil, like the authors of The Earth Brokers in 1994: "We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”

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Explosive Peer-To-Peer Reviewed Study Reveals 74% Of Deaths Linked To COVID-19 Shot

Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal.

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Flashback: Are Technocrats Taking Over Our Democracies?

My work on Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission has been widely cited over the years, but those articles are uniformly censored or suppressed. Still, more people today are discovering the unseen hands of unaccountable and unelected Technocrats who are creating a scientific dictatorship right before our eyes. 

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CBDCs: On The Edge Of The Programmable Ledger

Technocracy's final weapon to capture the whole world will be fully functional CBDCs that record every transaction on Earth. The requirements include: direct consumer accounts, programmability of currency and contracts, integrated ledger to record all transactions, interconnectedness with other Central Banks, Digital IDs, AI to automate flows of data, and policy drawn from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

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Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity

Technocracy and Transhumanism joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are the axis of evil who have declared war on humanity. Phase two is underway, and we will see the merger of the pandemic and the destruction of the food supply. It will be brutal and destructive. Don't let them kill all the cattle. Don't let them kill all the chickens. Don't let them kill or wound all of the humans. 

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Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’

Technocracy first and principally defined itself in 1937 as "the science of social engineering." Technocrats fear angry and rebellious denizens who would depose them in a country minute if they caught wind of their plans for scientific dictatorship. Thus, the worldwide plan to break masculinity was hatched, and Australia has correctly labeled its own plan as "Changing Men's Behavior."

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“Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

Would AI lie? Intentionally deceive? Yes! As AI approaches AGI (Artificial) and ASI (Super), the deceptive powers will magnify until it approaches demonic abilities and intent. I have personally experienced this with ChatGPT 4.0 during a query about my books on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism: It withheld certain information until I pointedly pressed it for clarification, signifying that it knew it all along but was reluctant to divulge it. This was subtle, but anyone else would be deceived.

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