Food Systems

Technocracy: Hegemony And Propaganda Drive You To Love Your Servitude

Technocracy is, at first, the "Science of Social Engineering." Thereafter, it is a totalitarian economic system that seeks to micromanage, routinize, corral, gaslight, scrutinize, and transform all life on planet earth. Technocracy has been the tool of choice since it was adopted by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973 when they started the Trilateral Commission to subvert all global resources into the hands of the chosen few.

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The Big Squeeze: Over 140,000 U.S. Farms Lost In 5 Years

This editor has an extensive background in farming and ranching, so this story is both sad and maddening. The plight of family farms has been dire for decades, but it is now getting existential. The UN's Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda, coupled with the war on carbon and nitrogen-based fertilizers on the one hand, and on the other, the massive consolidation of the food chain into 6 giant global corporations.

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