Great Reset

WEF Crumbles: Does This Signal The Arrival Of The Great Reset?

As the world political stage swings to the right, Marxian leftists are being forced out. This was foreseen by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970 when he said that Marxism would be a stepping stone to his Technetronic Era, aka Technocracy. It is more apparent than ever that "conservatives" will be the driver of Technocracy going forward.

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Not-So-Great Reset: Live In A Box, Don’t Move, Be Surveilled, Shut Up, Eat Bugs

Others are quickly picking up on the World Economic Forum's Technocratic domination of the world. Instead of "eliminate poverty", it's poverty for all. Instead of "jobs with dignity for all", it's sit at home and get paid Universal Basic Income. Instead of "pursuit of happiness", it's "You will own nothing and be happy".

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