Great Reset

Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely

Technocracy clearly stated in 1934 that they intended to track all production and consumption, and to keep a detailed file on every person. Technocrats then slipped into Nazi Germany to collect all data on undesirables like Gypsies, blacks, invalids and Jews, and marched them all into concentration camps and gas chambers.

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WEF Global Risks Report 2022 Imagines All The Critical Threats To The World

Hiding behind the respectability of scholarship, wealth and position, the WEF offers a smorgasbord of propaganda and fear-producing possibilities: Vaccine inequality, social fractures. geopolitical tensions, environmental collapse, global warming disaster, cybersecurity failure, migration disorder, war in space.

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Rickards: The Great Supply Chain Collapse

Technocracy must murder capitalism and free market economics in order to flip the world - and humanity - into a Great Reset. The collapse of the global supply chain should be seen as an atomic weapon that will upend and disrupt every economy on earth. This is the fragility caused by globalism's so-called "interdependence" of global economies started in the 1970s.

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Great Reset: Biden Pledges To ‘Remake’ American Economy At UN Conference

But, he says don't worry, that his agenda will help Americans save energy by installing solar panels on their homes to make them more energy efficient. This is patently insane Technocrat babbling about saving the world by destroying the world. In the end, the anti-carbon rhetoric will be seen as anti-human.

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Next: 1,000 Private Jets Will Assemble In Davos To Execute The Great Reset

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a Utopian myth that will not "save the world" but rather destroy it. Its cracked policies have been noted for at least 30 years and the fruit of destruction is all around us. If successful, their dream that "You will own nothing" will not bring happiness, but rather homelessness.

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Flashback: Why Coronavirus Will Accelerate The Great Reset

This chilling article is a must-read to understand why the pandemic is the ramrod for the Great Reset. One silver lining, it states, "is the chance to experiment with technologies and co-operative approaches across borders".  Thus, the entire human race is seen as their experimental laboratory to try out new technologies like genetic engineering, universal ID, etc.

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How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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Endgame: Forced Vaccination Targets WEF ‘Great Reset’ As Outcome

Don't be "gaslighted" by the World Economic Forum or the Big Pharma medical system: These have declared war on humanity by ripping apart the fabric of society through tyranny. It is a scorched-earth strategy that provides the survivors with the opportunity to "build back better." The losers will left in a state of neo-feudalism where "you will own nothing and be happy."

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