
Brownstone: Technocracy, Fear-Mongers And Conspiracy

My work with Professor Antony Sutton in the 1970s and 80s caused us to be branded "conspiracy theorists" when exposing the Trilateral Commission. Back then, the term was only applied to a select few. We shoved the claim back into their faces because a) we had done solid research in the first place and b) we had uncovered THEIR CONSPIRACY.

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BIS Says CBDC Roll-out May Require Changing The Constitution

There is no doubt that the Federal Reserve's implementation of a CBDC would require modification of the U.S. Constitution. This gives urgent globalist emphasis to a Constitutional Convention (Convention of States) because there is no other way to change our Constitution. Since most people still do not understand the nature and threat of DBDCs, a Constitutional Convention would blindside the nation.

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