
Technocracy: How Vaccine Mandates Became A Political Weapon

Although this article focuses on the current Administration, it is a global strategy employed by Technocrats around the world. Surely the injections have a separate but related purpose, using governments to enforce dystopian policies is clearly observed. When their usefulness is over, these same governments will be thrown under the Technocrat bus.

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Recipe For Toxic COVID Stew: Badges, Guns, Quarantine Camps

Governments are increasingly being turned against their citizens, but by who? The only possible perpetrators are the global Technocrats who are intent on flipping the entire planet into Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. The pressure cooker of tyranny will ultimately force an outright rebellion.

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Illinois Bill Proposes To Strip Unvaxxed Of Their Health Insurance

This idea to punish the non-injected keeps cropping up and will eventually gain traction if it is not resisted. Dystopian social engineers will not stop at getting vaxxed. Don't wear a mask? Smoke? Disobey a lockdown? Too fat? Forget it, if your condition doesn't destroy you, then they will.

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AG Merrick Garland Admits Targeting Parents As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Was Based Solely On Letter From National School Boards Assn

Under sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Garland was pried open by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to admit the only reason he targeted school student's parents was a spurious letter that he received from the leftist National School Boards Association. The whole incident smacks of Technocrat manipulation.

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Gotcha: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Never Materialized Beyond A Press Release

Since the Great Panic of 2020 began, America has been ruled by executive orders and CDC guidelines. Now it is being ruled by a press release. The nation's businesses and governments have been thrown upside down over vaccine mandates that never materialized and have zero basis in law. By any other definition, this is perilously close to an outright scientific dictatorship.

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Susan Rice Surfaces Again To Save Biden’s Agenda

Former member of the Trilateral Commission and Biden's top lieutenant is scrambling to save Biden's agenda - or is it Rice's agenda on behalf of her Great Reset handlers? Perhaps both, as she is increasingly seen as being the only adult in the room and behind-the-scenes master of the Biden Administration.

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Whitehead: Are Government Roundups Of Resistors In Our Future?

Technocracy and the surveillance state it has created has one main natural enemy: unpredictability. What is predictable is marketable. What is not predictable spoils the predictability of the herd, and hence, marketable profits. Thus, taking the unpredictable, the non nudge-able, the narrative spoilers, etc., out of circulation makes perfect sense.

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Boris Johnson’s Transformation From ‘Conservative’ Libertarian To Technocrat Tyrant

If COVID lockdowns were not bad enough, Chinese-style social credit scoring is establishing itself in Britain as Boris Johnson seeks to control food consumption and exercise regimens. Technocrats in Britain have totally betrayed the Brexit movement by imposing an even worse dictatorship on their own people than the EU could have ever done.

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