
Our Institutions Are Failing As Nation Is Plundered

Technocrats are licking their chops as politicians drive society into failure and chaos because they will ultimately wind up controlling everything in the end, scientifically, of course. A great moral hazard exists in that the Humpty Dumpty of economy and politics is at risk to be given a little push off the wall.

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China Pressuring Foreign Companies To Set Up Communist Party Cells Within Their Factories

Chinese Technocrats are exporting their autocratic dogma by requiring foreign companies to setup Communist Part Cells within their plants and offices. Also, this is obviously an attempt to keep an eye on Chinese citizens who are employed by these companies. Germany is considering pulling out of China completely.

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Big Data: Web Of Technocracy Is Rapidly Subverting Governments

Excellent investigative journalism produces some very disturbing links between big data, Eric Schmidt, Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon. There is a thread of Technocracy running through the entire affair, even if it is not fully understood yet. While governments agencies are limited by federal law, privately-owned, offshore corporations are not.

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