February 2024

Technocrats Claim AI Breakthrough to Generate ‘Boundless’ Clean Fusion Energy, But You Won’t Get Any Of It

If Technocrats get a free source of energy, don't think you will get one erg out of it other than what they decide to give you. Why? Because energy means economic activity and that is controlled by them. The first two requirements in the Technocracy Study Course (1934) were 1) Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy and 2) By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

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EU Seeks Rule To Ban Repairs On Cars Older Than 15 Years

You have to wonder if lame-thinking Eurocrats stay awake at night trying to figure out ways to destroy the world. (You would be right.) When Technocrats cannot get their way (think EVs, Smart Grid, etc), they simply ban the alternatives and tell you that it is for your own good. Banning repairs on older cars effectively sends them to the junkyard and destroys the auto repair industry.

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Only In China: Like A Giant Ant Farm Housing 30,000 Humans

The ultimate Smart City. Sustainable living. Agenda  21-style "stack 'em and pack 'em." An experiment in peak efficiency. The "Science of Social Engineering" run amok. Technocrats in China lost their shirt with this huge luxury hotel, so they carved it into tiny apartments to maximize revenue and house as many as 30,000 residents. Some will be born there and never leave.

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Tyson Foods Scales Up Investment In Insect Protein Maker For Global Food Chain

The "fact checkers" went nuts to shame people for jumping to conclusions about Tyson's partnership with Protix to get into the insect craze. Tyson will build plants here to produce insect food to feed genetically modified insects, which will be fed to animals. No mention of Protix's statement, "We believe that feeding the growing world population should go hand in hand with protecting our beautiful planet."

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The Insidious Cult Of World Order Is Clearly Seen

Technocrats have always been careful to disguise their spiritual inclinations, but that doesn't mean they are devoid of belief; indeed, they all are a part of the "cult of world order," seeking to transform the physical planet and the people who live there, Think "Great Reset" and "Forth Industrial Revolution" as representing Technocracy and Transhumanism. 

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Technocracy’s Coup d’Etat Is Fully Underway

In March 2020, at the very start of the "Great (Covid) Panic of 2020", I wrote that Technocracy's coup d'Etat was fully underway. I had anticipated it in my 2015 book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, on pages 206-207, so it was easy to see it playing out in real-time. Fours years later, it is killing us.

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Transhuman Scientists Grow Testicles In Laboratory

The seeds of life are sprouting outside of humanity, paving the way for test tube babies that will mature in incubators and be born without a mother. Fathers need not to apply. Fueled by Transhumanist philosophy, Technocrats scientists invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrable need to do so.

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Wave To The Satellite That Is Taking Your Picture From Space

Why would Bill Gates want to fund a company that builds a new class of satellites that can take high-resolution photos from space? Well, Technocrats of a feather, like birds, flock together. Their goal is to gain control over the environment, the physical world, and all of humanity. Albedo Space is cleared to use a 10-centimeter resolution, but they are looking for a higher resolution.

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The Full-Spectrum, Asymmetric War On Free Speech – Now You Know

This will be the most important interview to view in your lifetime, unless you don't understand Technocracy. I have talked about much of what Mike Benz reveals, except he does it with authority and end-to-end clarity. Now you know why I declared war on Technocracy in 2015. Please listen to the whole thing.

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Car Dealers Slash Prices Of EVs As Demand Craters

Dueling headlines in America this month: "Don’t believe what you’ve heard — electric vehicle sales in the U.S. are zooming" versus “As demand for EVs plummets, Biden’s green fantasy is pummeling U.S. auto dealers.” Increasingly, EV owners are waking up from the dream and realizing that their shiny new $60,000 car is nothing but an expensive golf cart.

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