January 2024

When You Sit In A “Digital Car” You Consent To Being Recorded And Personal Data Sold

If you own an EV or a "digital car," you better watch what you say because you might be under total surveillance, and that goes for your passengers as well. What? Your data will be sold, too? Yep. Multiple times to multiple companies. However, there is an easy opt-out fix: "Never buy them, drive them, sit in them, or exist on the street when they drive by." 

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Have You Met Your Car’s Digital Twin?

Creating Digital Twins for cars is totally disrupting manufacturing in the automotive industry, but how about a digital twin of YOUR car? Real-time collection from YOUR car updates YOUR digital twin and schedules preemptive maintenance and service. Of course, how and where you drive is collected. Off-road? On the freeway? Speed? Long trips? Short trips? How many times did you stomp on the brake? Every unique data identifier goes along with it.

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Predictions For 2024 From Patrick Wood vs. AI Chatbots

AI placed high on my "Patrick Wood's 2024 Forecast" posted on The Quickening Report yesterday. Level-headed experts have weighed in: “AI already poses catastrophic risks to a functional society.”  So, it's only fair that we give AI a chance to respond. Several questions were given to several Chatbots, and here are a few highlights.

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