August 14, 2024

Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study Of Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Shots

This is a first-of-its-kind, pivotal study on the self-assembly structures occasionally observed by others since 2021. It blows the top off of the "Safe and Effective" narrative, exposing it not just as a lie but also as an intentional deception to hide the real contents of the shots. After all, the shots were billed as containing mRNA, which is considered to be synonymous with gene therapy. Indeed, mRNA was found to be present, but not one word was ever mentioned about artificial, non-biological, self-assembling structures.

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Nordangård: Trilaterals Over Stockholm

Never forget that the Trilateral Commission was the fountainhead of modern globalization, as Antony Sutton and I documented in Trilaterals Over Washington and The Genesis of Modern Globalization. David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski started its "New International Economic Order" to promote Technocracy under various pseudonyms like Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Capitalism, etc. For over 51 years, Commission members have dominated the world.

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