Government Funds AI Tools For Whole-Of-Internet Surveillance And Censorship

When I gave my 2024 Forecast last month, I said that the enemies of Free Speech are going nuclear and intend to wipe it out by the end of the year. Most of my readers can't see the magnitude of what this means, much less the role AI is playing in the hands of evil people. We need to scream "tsunami" to warn people that there is a 200-foot tidal wave of censorship about to hit and that it will be fatal.

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Goodbye Reality: Simulacrum Ushered In By Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro highlights the dangers posed by blended reality goggles to literally re-wire your brain. Synthetic environments distort distance, disassociate your body in space and time, distort real objects, and create new ones. Your reality is manufactured by you and specific only to you, forfeiting shared reality by those around you. 

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Predictions For 2024 From Patrick Wood vs. AI Chatbots

AI placed high on my "Patrick Wood's 2024 Forecast" posted on The Quickening Report yesterday. Level-headed experts have weighed in: “AI already poses catastrophic risks to a functional society.”  So, it's only fair that we give AI a chance to respond. Several questions were given to several Chatbots, and here are a few highlights.

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FOBO: Is The Fear Of AI Worse Than AI Itself?

FOBO - "Fear Of Becoming Obsolete." The WEF and Big Tech Technocrats are overstating the benefits of AI, as well as the societal effects it will have. In fact, it is more likely to eat them alive in the end rather than the rest of the world. Unfortunately, its continued misuse can do serious damage and leave mountains of hubris in its wake.

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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

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DeepSouth: Human Brain-Scale Supercomputer Goes Online In 2024

They invent because they can. This novel architecture mimics the human brain with 228 trillion operations per second, simulating brain-like networks at scale. This technology emulates the brain's learning, adaptation, and processing abilities in a parallel and distributed manner intended to power AI applications.

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It Begins: Here The Come The Deep Fake News AI Anchors

In the future, AI will write news stories and present them with deep fake AI news anchors. As AI improves, you will be unable to discern what is fake and real. Some experts are forecasting that as much as 80 percent of the news will be delivered this way by 2028. Layer on the AI bots that will comment on the AI-generated stories, and you will see reality fading out in your rearview mirror.

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City Council Uses ChatGPT To Create Binding Ordinance For 1.3 Million Residents

When legislators get a taste of it, AI and ChatGPT will be as addictive as fentanyl and just as destructive. Artificial Intelligence writing binding legislation for humans? If you can't see a problem with this, then you risk being sucked into the vortex of Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy. The council president was unrepentant: “I started to read more in-depth and saw that, unfortunately, or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

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Eric Schmidt: AI Guardrails “Aren’t Enough” To Prevent Harm To Humanity

Trilateral Commission member and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a master Technocrat in the truest sense of the word. He was one of the pioneers of AI at Google, the inventor of "Surveillance Capitalism," and is now heir-apparent to fellow Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger. Schmidt is the pied piper of AI, singing praises on the one hand while warning of dire consequences to humanity on the other. This is globalist snake oil.

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The Humanoid Invasion Is Coming, Like It Or Not!

With AI and industrial robots cometh the humanoids. Elon Musk is in a race with China to see who will lead the world in mass production. Powered by AI, they will be super-capable to step into roles like caregiver, nanny, medical assistant, robocop, para-legal, sex surrogate and more. Technocrats build because they can, not because there is a moral or ethical mandate to do so. As such, they are on a trajectory to destroy what it means to be human.

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