The Big Squeeze Is Coming

Technocrats are their name and pandemic is their game.

No matter who serves as President during the next four years, Technocrats have the upper hand.

To get what’s going on, you have to understand that Technocracy preached Social Engineering from the beginning. This is not about politics. They hated politicians and wanted to get rid of all of them.

Social Engineering is about direct control over your behavior, not control by law or government. 

America is playing checkers while these Technocrats are playing 3D Chess.

If Biden is seated as President, his first act will likely be to declare a national lockdown worse than anything we have seen thus far. Effectively, it will be “medical martial law’. Submit or else. Covid passports will be required to participate in what used to be normal activities, like flying on an airplane, attending sports events and concerts, entering public buildings, etc.

It Trump is seated as President, the states first acts will be to do the same things. All the rest will be the same.

In WWII, Nazi Germany was full of Technocrats who viewed science and medicine in the same way as they do today. Eugenics, or ethnic cleansing, was crude and blunt: sterilize or euthanize the undesirables. Boards and judges were set up to decide who was unworthy or not.

Oh, this was all in the name of public health. It was for the “public good”. It was to create a people worthy to live in Hitler’s green, environmentally perfect  world. Just like today.

In Nazi Germany, the political state appeared to be in charge while the Technocrats supported the state. Today, the Technocrats are directly in charge. Do you doubt this? Who shut down the world’s economic system? Who has locked down the entire planet into a form of solitary confinement? Who obeys the government anymore, anyway?

I encourage you to read the following article for historical perspective:

National Health Care: Medicine in Germany, 1918-1945

While America is in danger of losing its Constitution and way of life, you have to appreciate that the 3D chessboard is the whole world, not just America. We are a small part of the whole, and becoming more irrelevant every day.

It seems to me that the spirit of Nazi Germany is rising again. At warp speed.

If it is ever going to be possible to throw these monsters out of public policy, it is now.

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.