New Urban Agenda

World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur To Debate Sustainability

Dubbed "Cities 2030, Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda", something is off-kilter at the U.N. The U.N. is increasingly being dominated by Islamic thought and personnel; this key forum is being held in a predominately Islamic nation and region; leading UN Habitat and presiding over the conference is Maimunah Mohd Sharif, a Muslim bureaucrat. Are global cities of the future to be subsumed by the Islamic world?

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Mechelen Declaration: Cities Adopt UN Declaration for Global Compact on Migration

Cities are jockeying for more autonomous control within the nation-state, claiming that all societies will be multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual. Peter Sutherland, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration and Development, once stated that multiculturalism is the only path to implement Sustainable Development.

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UN Habitat Chief: ‘Rethink Ways To Govern Cities’

UN Technocrats now suggest that urbanites should be 'open minded' and dream up 'innovative solutions' to create the cities of the future. This is nonsense, however, because the decisions have already been made and models have already been built. Technocrats only want to offer a distant hope of citizen participation.

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Dubai Vs. Smart City – The Future Of Happiness?

Technocrats claim that convenience makes you happy, and in Dubai, its Smart City technology makes everything convenient. However, Dubai is an Islamic dictatorship, where creating a Smart City bypasses all direct input from citizens who must live under it. Scientific Dictatorship promises the moon, but the realization of it will be a dark moon rising, indeed.

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The Infinite Suburb Is An Academic Joke

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is an unworkable economic model that will self-destruct as its proponents foolishly worship at the alter of Utopia. I cannot find a single legitimate economist who has done a deep analysis on Technocracy and concluded that Utopia has finally arrived. It has not, will not, cannot.

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