One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans

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Who gives Bill Gates and a bunch of lunatic bio-scientists the right to inject life-altering substances into all the cattle (and other livestock critical for food) of the world? No one! How about all of the humans on Earth? No one! One Health thinking is off the rails: first, climate change (the ecosystem) is causing diseases in animals (the pivot), which are jumping to humans (the targets). This phony scheme is fraudulent from end to end, and if it is not stopped, it threatens all life on earth.

I wrote in January that the only way to stop these genetic maniacs is to take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground. 

If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation. ⁃ TN Editor

Climate vaccine developer ArkeaBio has raised $26.5 million in Series A funding, the company announced last week. ArkeaBio aims to fight climate change by vaccinating livestock.

Suppressing methane emissions

A vaccine being developed by the company is designed to prevent animals from releasing methane emissions. Once vaccinated with the AkreaBio shot, an animal’s immune system is supposed to create antibodies that will target methane-producing microbes.

The Boston-based startup secured its first major investment in late 2022 from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment fund founded by billionaire Bill Gates.

“Our vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture,” the company explains on its website.

Pharma industry eyes climate vaccines for humans

While ArkeaBio hopes to deploy the vaccines worldwide for livestock, it has not yet announced plans to develop climate vaccines for humans.

But human-targeted climate vaccines do appear to be in the works. Researchers at Gingko Bioworks, a biotech firm also backed by Gates, have floated mRNA injections as a measure to mitigate the impact of global warming. The World Economic Forum has also expressed support for climate vaccines.

The biggest push, however, is coming from the pharmaceutical industry, as vaccine makers claim vaccines are a “critical response to the climate crisis.” In December, pharmaceutical giant GSK wrote on its website that “[i]n the face of climate change, vaccines play a crucial but underestimated role.”

AstraZeneca last year declared climate change to be a public health crisis, sparking concerns that the pharma industry may play a role in climate mandates. The declaration came two months after drugmaker Sanofi’s Executive Vice President of Vaccines Thomas Triomphe penned an article titled “Vaccine innovation is a critical response to the climate crisis.”

Climate vaccines required for vaccine passports?

Pharma industry chatter about climate vaccines comes as the World Health Organization (WHO), which has warned of an impending climate pandemic, is developing global vaccine passports. If climate vaccines for people are developed, the WHO could demand that the vaccine passports display a person’s climate vaccine status together with other so-called “immunizations.”

A status showing that passport holder one is not up to date on any scheduled vaccine could lead to the denial of that person’s right to travel between nations or even within a nation.

Efficient system … for denying travel rights

In June last year, the WHO announced the launch of its “digital health partnership” with the European Commission. The joint program will involve the development of global vaccine passports among other “digital products to deliver better health for all.”

According to the WHO, the passport system will allow “global mobility” and protect people not only from “future health threats” but those that are “on-going”.

“In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,” announced the WHO in a statement.

The globalist organization clarified that this will likely include a global vaccine passport, much like many Western countries used during the COVID-19 pandemic:

This partnership will work to technically develop the WHO system with a staged approach to cover additional use cases, which may include, for example, the digitisation of the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis. Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver better health for citizens across the globe.

As a “first step”, the WHO and European Commission will “ensure that the current EU digital certificates continue to function effectively.”

Read full story here…

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.
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Corona Hotspot


Corona Hotspot

“If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation.”
After having watched some of Sabrina Wallace’s videos the last weeks, I think, they can already do to every single one of us, whatever they want.
It’s unbelievable, how far they are.
Just an example of what they have published:
BioSensors Slideshow / EW 3 –


Only IF you let them. I will not comply.

F. Art Rippinhard III

I abrade my knees in reverent awe, supplicating myself before the alter of WHO sagacity. The overflowing gratitude I feel for my scientific masters, and the omniscient wisdom they have for life-altering judgments on my behalf, wells from within me the cry: “WHERE WOULD I BE WITHOUT THE WHO!?” I’m immensely comforted to know the flood Gates of biotech are unleashed, to wash us in redemptive waters of climate salvation by delivering us from the ubiquitous evil of carbon.

[…] ᎢᎠᎺBᎡᎠr ᏍᏔrCᎯld in Uncategorized One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans […]

Bill James

A bombshell new study has debunked the globalist narrative that emissions from cows are causing “climate change” while proving that cattle herds actually lower methane gas levels in the atmosphere.


There seems to be no limit to the insanity posed by the fraud we know as ‘climate change’. I also find it interesting that this new idea was ‘piggy backed’ on the ‘Covid’ sham that fell apart like a sand castle when the tide comes in. The idea of injecting all of the livestock used for our food is as insane as they come. Dr. Robert Malone, who developed the mRNA has explained this was never to be injected into the body of any living creature, yet Bill Gates has a new campaign of ‘bird flu’ that will be the… Read more »

[…] One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans […]


Not only vaccines have mRNA, it’s in dental anesthetic.