The Existential Threat of Technocracy

Granted that this is a radical thought and flatly rejected by those who do not understand Technocracy.

Benjamin Rush was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and an important voice in the creation of the Constitution. He is attributed as saying,

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”

Isn’t it interesting that medical freedom may have been a real issue in 1776?

That Technocrats have long since taken over the entire medical field is well documented. My friend, Twila Brase who founded Citizens’ Council For Health Freedom, wrote a paper twelve years ago making this exact point. She called it “evidence-based medicine” and the harbinger of scientific dictatorship. We can all see now that she was right.

Why is Technocracy an existential threat to humanity? Because it intends to change the very nature of humanness, from culture, psychology, religion and even your genetic composition. It wants total control over YOU, from the inside out and outside in.

Any individual that is initially altered during the process simply cannot resist the intended changes.

I put this video by Barbara Loe Fisher in another article today.

It is absolutely pathetic that this clip is 18 months old but only has 1,021 views. That’s partly due to YouTube censorship, but it is mostly due to the ignorant masses who blindly go about their way without a care in the world.

For those of you who maintain a Biblical world view, you should recognize the unmitigated evil behind Technocracy and its Technocrat practitioners.  As I wrote in Why Is Scientism So Dangerous? a few days ago, French philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon first postulated the religion of Scientism by claiming that science is the new god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood. This intentionally deposed the God of the Bible and replaced the “saints” (ie, the church) with technologists.


About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.