Broudy: Agitation And Integration Propaganda In The Covid Era
Broudy: Agitation And Integration Propaganda In The Covid Era

Have we learned nothing from the Great Panic of 2020? Language matters. Words matter. When gaslighting the public has turned into an art form, can you break free from it? Or are we destined to live in a perpetual simulacrum? I suggest the former because Technocracy's "Science of Engineering" is a quantifiable entity that can be recognized and overcome.


What Is Everybody Missing About Elon Musk? He Is Instituting Technocracy!
What Is Everybody Missing About Elon Musk? He Is Instituting Technocracy!

Language matters. Words matter. The language of Technocracy is not the language of the populist movement. Populists hear what they want to hear and utterly fail to comprehend that Technocracy is making its move. While everybody cheers the discovery of government corruption, Technocrats are sinking their claws into the Federal government to shred it to bits. 


Elon Musk’s Ultimate Goal: AI’ing The Government
Elon Musk’s Ultimate Goal: AI’ing The Government

Left-leaning WaPo gets it: “Everything that can be machine-automated will be. And the technocrats will replace the bureaucrats.” Freeloaders and left-wing ideologues are up in arms that their corruption is being exposed and that the gravy train is crashed. However, Musk's overriding goal is to implement AI across all government agencies.


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What Is Everybody Missing About Elon Musk? He Is Instituting Technocracy!

Language matters. Words matter. The language of Technocracy is not the language of the populist movement. Populists hear what they want to hear and utterly fail to comprehend that Technocracy is making its move. While everybody cheers the discovery of government corruption, Technocrats are sinking their claws into the Federal government to shred it to bits. 

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Huge Fail: Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights

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