Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy

Elon Musk is a plagiarist and huckster for Technocracy, period. Age of abundance? Universal Basic Income? These concepts arrived in the early 1930s, when Musk's grandfather (Dr. Joshua Haldeman) was the head of the Technocracy movement in Canada. People in the 1930s and 1940s quickly figured out that there was no such as a free lunch and threw Technocracy in the trash bin of history, where it belonged. Now, the world has disguised it, given it a new suit of clothes, and called it revolutionary new thinking. Bottom line: Don't be a sucker!

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AI Oligarchs Plans: Team With China, ‘Break’ Capitalism

Thinking people should ditch the left-right rhetoric and look beyond their noses to see the Technocrats who are playing all sides against the middle. Technocrats have used Republican administrations just as adroitly as Democratic ones. The singular common goal is to "break capitalism" with the help of the only pure Technocracy, China. Capitalism is anathema to Technocrats because of its price-based economic system, in favor of a resource-based system that they can totally control. Today, Technocrats are swarming all over the Biden Administration.

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Executive Order On The Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence

On Biden's official site called AI.Gov, the headline on the home page says it all: "Making AI Work For The American People." The tech oligarchs are in a massive private-public-partnership with the government. Thus, this will strengthen their ability to target AI against citizens. The only outcome will be more Technocracy and pushing labor out on the street. Below is the entire text of Biden's Executive Order.

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Sam Altman: AI Is Learning ‘Superhuman Persuasion’

The self-effacing Altman says this will "may lead to some very strange outcomes." Really Sam? You built it, right? You could just as easily stop it. This smooth-talking Technocrat continues his stark warnings for us as he barks orders to his development team to hurry up. This disingenuous behavior should serve as a true warning that this nimrod is leading the world down the rabbit hole. 

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May God Help Us: Technocrats Blow The Lid Off Quantum Computing With 1,180-Qubit Processor

I wrote on August 17, 2017, "Proponents of Technocracy are counting on the coming-of-age of quantum computers to enable their science of social engineering and world control. However, this leading physicist says that quantum computers will be ‘tools of destruction, not creation,’ and I think we should be asking some hard questions." You may think this is over your head, but it's not a stretch for you to see the train about to hit us. 

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Amazon Already Has 750,0000 Robots In Quest To Eliminate Humans Altogether

750,000 robots working collaboratively with our employees" is pretty sobering, but Amazon is just getting started!  When it says it is "freeing employees up to better deliver for our customers," it means getting rid of them altogether. Like Marc Andreessen, Jeff Bezos is a Techno-Optimist and utterly unplugged from reality.

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A.I. Agents: ChatGPT Can Write Its Own Code And Execute It

You cannot conceive the evil that will be wrought by ChatGPT and its derivatives. Programmers are creating A.I. "agents" that spontaneously write code for any task and then automatically executes it.  "If A.I. can do anything we can do, it does not just replace the boring tasks. It replaces all the tasks.” In other words, it replaces all the jobs.

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47% Of CEOs Believe AI Could, And Should, Replace Them

Many experts now see that all jobs will disrupted by AI, but many CEOs apparently think it is a good thing: "47% of the surveyed executives not only see the possibility of AI taking over their roles but also view it as a desirable development." This opens the door for AI to take over executive leadership in the corporate world.

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The Great AI Invasion: Technocracy’s Final Solution

Who do you think is pushing the AI invasion? Technocrats and nobody but Technocrats. Altman, Musk, Google, Microsoft, etc. These megalomanic titans have only one goal: the domination of the human race via Scientific Dictatorship. Technocrats have continuously lived in a simulacrum since the 1930s, and they are spreading it everywhere.

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Sam Altman Is Creating Himself In The Image Of Robert Oppenheimer Or Bill Gates?

Some claim OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is the 21st-century version of Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was designed. Oppenheimer was an administrator; Altman is an administrator, venture capitalist, and opportunist. Altman is a pedestrian programmer who clawed his way to the top of a budding empire, just like Bill Gates who created Microsoft in 1975.

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