Sam Altman Wants To Replace Normal People With AI

Sam Altman is a pure Technocrat who fancies himself as the savior of the world: most likely, he will destroy it. Some compare him to Albert Einstein. He wrote, "My work at OpenAI reminds me every day about the magnitude of the socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people believe."

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The Fruits of Technocracy: Quantitative Analysis Shows Google Steered 6 Million Votes to Biden in 2020

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, people fought over voting machines, mail-in ballots, signature validation, etc. Meanwhile, Technocrats disguised as the 800-pound gorilla stole the election well before the first ballot was cast - in fact, 6 million of them. Google has been demonstratively caught, but who cares? Google's smoke-and-mirror response: "Who, us?"

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In The Global Race To Regulate AI, No One Is Quite Sure How

In a never ending exercise in futility, regulators/lawmakers are quickly coming to the conclusion AI can't be corralled. AI runs circles around rules or laws, and genie is already out of the bottle. AI is running at warp speed while humans are running at skate board speed. Alas, there will be wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth.

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Creating God? AI May Be Last Invention Of Mankind

One candid AI engineer: "We're creating God." As these Technocrats barrel toward their goal of AGI, their public persona is disingenuous as they warn of dangers and the need to slow development. As superintelligence emerges it will be accepted as god, display powers like God and take control over mankind.

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Humanoid Robots Are Coming For Warehouse Jobs

Many warehouses are already using robots, but the introduction of humanoid robots is a first. However, other industries are targeted such as manufacturing, elder care and health care, food production and agriculture. Production expected to start in late 2024.

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Report: 90% Of Online Content May Be AI-Generated Garbage by 2026

When legitimate journalists use AI to polish an article they wrote, that's far a cry from the wholesale creation of text by AI. As AI re-writes other AI stories, an endless loop will appear. The ability to discern what is real vs. fake will disappear, further causing the collapse of reality.

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Ambulance: Facial Recognition Used To Identify Patients

The Duality product PIX will allow ambulance personnel to scan a patient's face, identify him and tie his identity to existing health records. Upon arrival at the hospital, all records are available to ER personnel and will follow him throughout the hospital stay. Of course, the use of AI makes this possible.

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Brain2Music: Reconstructing Music From Human Brain Activity

A new study from Cornell University demonstrates that scientists can reconstruct music that you are listening to with remarkable precision. AI is used to decipher changes in the brain as you listen to a music recording, then reads your mind in real time.

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Google’s Deepmind AI Scores Major Advance In Robotic Control

The paper is titled, Vision-Language-Action Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Robotic Control, and reveals new capabilities to transfer web knowledge to real-world robot: "High-capacity models pretrained on broad web-scale datasets provide an effective and powerful platform for a wide range of downstream tasks."

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