Population Control

Harari: ‘Don’t Need The Vast Majority Of The Population’

Yuval Noah Harari's futurist view is that humans are increasingly useless as automation, AI and robots take over human functions. This is the driving view for depopulation to simply remove those "useless eaters" from the face of the earth. Harari is a principal advisor to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

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mRNA Shots Are Causing Major Fertility Problems With Both Men And Women

Conventional war is hell and Technocracy's bio-war is worse. Nobody can argue that the existential damage being done to humanity is just an accident or an unintended consequence: It screams depopulation plus crippling all resistance to being forced into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. World citizens must resist, first by not taking any more Big Pharma COVID shots and secondly, by restoring your health if you have taken a shot.

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Study: Male Fertility Tanks 15.4% After mRNA Injections

Accusations of population reduction keep coming up when studies like this are revealed: sperm count drops over 15% within three months of taking the shot. There are many other side effects of the mRNA injections, which collectively should have shut down the whole program before it ever got off the ground.

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The Persistent History Of Population Control

Population control is merely part of resource management where people are just another inconsequential and unremarkable group competing for existence on the big blue marble. Thus, eliminating people saves other resources and makes more available to the remaining elitists who push for population control in the first place. Understanding this history is critical.

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Former Pfizer VP: ‘Eugenicists Have Got Hold Of The Levers Of Power’

In The Tempest, William Shakespeare wrote, “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”  Eugenics on any scale is evil, but a global eugenics program is simply inconceivable, and yet it is a possibility that must be urgently discussed and neutralized before irreparable damage is done to the earth's population.

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