
Memorial Day 2025: Back To The Future

In 2025, just 4 short years from now, America will stumble across yet another Memorial Day weekend and reflect on wars fought, soldiers and civilians killed and the nature of freedoms that were preserved or lost. They will all rue the day that Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship, took over the world.

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The Mouse That Roared: Basecamp CEO Fried Cancels Wokeness At Work

Internet pioneers Jason Fried and David Hansson put an end to the woke culture that had infiltrated their company, Basecamp, stating that "We are not a social impact company. We're in the business of making software.” Other tech companies should follow suit and get back to business of serving customers.

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Why Does China Collect Americans’ DNA?

As a Technocracy, China's Technocrat scientists believe that the future of mankind lies in the engineering of its collective DNA. Nevertheless, China's agressive collection of American DNA should be doubly-alarming because it can only spell one ultimate outcome: bio-warfare.

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World Leaders Call For More Globalization To Solve Global Pandemic

This is the lie of the century, and exactly the same tripe heard at the Agenda 21 conference in 1992 in Rio, called UNCED (UN Conference on Economic Development) This group had already trashed most of the world's ecology over the previous 50 years, but insisted that the answer to all those problems would be more development. 

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Biden Administration Ramping Up For New Battle Over Net Neutrality

Today’s net neutrality is not about helping gamers and video consumers get more bandwidth. It is not about equality. Rather, it is about institutionalizing Internet censorship, forcing everyone who disseminates or transmits content to abide by infamous fact-checker rules as leftists determine them.

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