Study Confirms: Cows Do NOT Cause “Climate Change”
Study Confirms: Cows Do NOT Cause “Climate Change”

How many outright frauds have to pile up before people see the steaming piles of excrement collectively produced by people like Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Commission, and the Trilateral Commission? Add the war on cattle to the pile. 

Food Systems

Japanese Researchers: Urgent Action Needed To Address Mass Contamination Of Blood Supply
Japanese Researchers: Urgent Action Needed To Address Mass Contamination Of Blood Supply

When I had triple-pass heart surgery on April 4, 2023, the surgeons found it necessary to give me a unit of whole blood. Since about 70 percent of donors were vaccinated by that time, the blood supply was thoroughly contaminated. When I suffered a massive stroke on August 9, just four months later, they could not explain what happened. Now, a possible explanation has surfaced.


Trilateral Anthony Blinken Does Not Commit To Submitting W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To Senate For Confirmation
Trilateral Anthony Blinken Does Not Commit To Submitting W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To Senate For Confirmation

Since 1973, eleven of the sixteen Secretaries of State have been members of the Trilateral Commission—almost seventy percent! The rest were closely aligned with the Commission. The current Secretary is Trilateral Anthony Blinken. This article hints at Blinken's intention: HE WILL NOT SUBMIT the WHO "treaty" to the Senate for 2/3 confirmation. Why not? It's not Trilateral policy!

Trade Agreements

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