Population Control

Population Expert: Falling Fertility Rate Should Be Welcomed

What kind of human mind can revel in the fact that since 1980, the world has aborted over 1.5 billion pregnancies, which doesn't include infanticide committed over China's One-Child policy. Then there is the issue of reduced sperm count because of adverse environmental factors like pesticides, drugs, hormones, etc.

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Scientists: Human Race Faces Extinction As Male Sperm Count Declines

In fact, male sperm count has been falling year over year for some time, but this doesn't warrant a prediction of man's extinction; after all, it only takes a single sperm to fertilize an egg. In Huxley's Brave New World, this was solved by growing babies in incubators instead of a mother's womb. Technocrats will probably study that next.

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Berkeley: ‘Climate Emergency’ Worse Than World War II, Demands ‘Humane’ Population Control

Somebody should tell the Berkeley City Council that population is already 'stabilized' and headed down on a global basis and that global warming is a hoax. People who are given to receive delusion seem to have plenty to share with everyone else, and Berkeley is no exception.

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UN Propaganda Brainwashes Women To Not Have Babies

The UN's Sustainable Development propaganda parrots overpopulation is a major cause of environmental decay and is based on demonstrably false science. Women are seduced into this lie and then convinced that their most noble act is to give up their right to have children.

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Suicide Machine Draws Crowds At Amsterdam Funeral Show

With a twisted sense of value on human life, suicide machines will now be available as 'open source' plans for anyone in the world to download and create. Propaganda will convince many weakened minds that it is in the best interest of the planet if they were to check out early. This is reminiscent of the movie Soylent Green, where people voluntarily checked into euthanasia centers to be killed.

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Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb Has Been Officially Defused

Malthus was short-sighted and Paul Ehrlich was a fool to apply his science of entomology (the study of insects) to human population. However, both had a mind stained by Scientism, which holds that discoverable truth is only found through science. Today's fact is that the birth rate is falling like a rock.

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Some People Are Not Having Children Because Of Climate Change

It is sad that so many young couples have bought the lie of over-population and then drunk the cool-aid of action to not have any children. This not only terminates their own family tree, but denies one of the greatest pleasures in life. Technocracy is cruel in using science to achieve such social outcomes.

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