Smart Cities

Feds Kickstart ‘Array Of Things’ For Blanket Surveillance In Chicago

All rhetoric aside about how this will benefit residents, recognize that this is a pure 100% exercise in Technocracy by Technocrats. First, the primary source of funding is the National Science Foundation (NSF), with additional funds coming from the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL, a government laboratory). Both organizations are saturated with Technocrats who aspire to run society as a "science of social engineering" project. Second, the hardware and software were both created at the Argonne National Laboratory. Thus, this is exclusively a government project.

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The ‘New Urban Agenda’ Is Coming At UN’s Habitat III in October 2016

TN Note: If you thought Agenda 21 was dangerous to freedom and liberty, just wait until you see the New Urban Agenda that will be produced at the upcoming Habitat III conference. The original 'Urban Agenda' was based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which have been updated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be the basis for the New Urban Agenda.

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Life In 2065: Cities, Cyborgs And Technocrat Managers

Every conceivable concept of historic Technocracy can be found in this article. Of course, only "experts" such as scientists and engineers can properly plan such a future; citizens will merely have to go along with the program. Aldous Huxley proposed in Brave New World (1932) that Scientific Dictatorship would be the inevitable outcome.

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