
Eric Schmidt: AI Is As Powerful As Nukes

Eric Schmidt is a top global technocrat and heir apparent of Henry Kissinger, both members of the elitist Trilateral Commission that is the headwaters of modern Technocracy. To compare AI to nuclear bombs is a misnomer because nuclear bombs actually destroy matter while AI is still struggling to drive a car in a straight line. Is Schmidt signaling that AI will become a weapon of mass destruction?

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Automated Killing Machine: Robot Dog Fitted With Machine Gun

Technocrats build because they can, not because there is any good moral or ethical reason to do so. We have repeatedly warned against militarized robots able to use advanced AI, biometric identification and deadly armaments. Now, Technocrats have the ability to fully automate the killing of humans and the destruction of property.

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Food Wars: ‘The Dark Cult Of Davos Is Trying To Destroy These Farmers’

If Tiananmen Square was a global wake up call on ruthless totalitarianism, then Dutch Farmers are trying to wake up the world on the war against humanity perpetrated by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, etc. Collectively, the world is facing another Holodomor event where tens of millions could die from starvation.

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The Growing Hubris Of Pandemic And The Great Panic Of 2020

Experimental mRNA injections promoted to a global citizenry has common goals with the Transhuman movement to genetically modify humanity and the military to create bioweapons. Both are interested in population reduction. Both are deep rabbit holes. Both spark horrific reactions from people when they discover the existence and implications of these programs.

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Mercola: Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole On Post-Jab Cancer Explosion And Excess Mortality

Technocracy's was on humanity continues to be seen "on the ground" by pathologists who deal with disease in the lab every day. The mRNA injections are causing damage in unexpected area, such as a huge increase in reoccurrence of agressive cancers and mortality. The evidence of war is that the mRNA programs are not immediately terminated.

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“Polycrisis Of Doom”: Technocracy’s Mother Of All Wars To Conquer the World

This writer first stated in 2015 that Technocracy had declared war on humanity. Today's "polycrisis" is the expansion of the scorched-earth policy to reduce society to rubble, making possible the World Economic Forum's policy to "Build Back Better." The Energy crisis is fabricated. The Food crisis is fabricated. The Financial crisis is fabricated. Nation-states are crumbling. Is anyone listening?

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Dutch Farmers Combat The Global War On Food

Nitrogen is inert and not a "greenhouse gas", but it is absolutely necessary for plant growth. There is 4 times as much nitrogen in our atmosphere as oxygen because it does not bind well with the solid earth. Thus, farmers use nitrogen fertilizer to inject it into the ground. The only conceivable reason to withhold nitrogen from farmers is to intentionally destroy the food supply.

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Nazi Albert Speer’s Final Nuremberg Statement On Technocracy

Hitler relied on Technocrats to prosecute his war machine that conquered nations and executed his "final solution" to get rid of genetically impure segments of society. His ultimate goal was to create a master race of super humans to live in an environmentally reset ecology. Albert Speer was sentenced to 20 years at Nuremberg for his role in Nazi Germany

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Pandemic Of The Vaccinated: Boosters Greatly Increase Risk Of Infection

Technocracy's war on humanity is being exposed for those who are willing to see it. The medical cartel, which has been totally taken over by Technocrats, refuses to back off pushing mRNA injections because it is their gateway to human biological systems and genome. The world is headed toward the largest genocidal event in history if this stranglehold is not broken.

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Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax

As the war with Technocracy expands, dead bodies and injured citizens pile up in record numbers. In WWII, America lost 405,000 soldiers with 670,000 wounded. This genocide is of epic proportions and yet the vast majority of people are in denial that there is even an issue, as they line up for their mRNA boosters.

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