
Whitehead: U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation, Weaponizing Everything

A certain marker of war is the presence and use of psychological warfare to confuse and dominate the enemy. It is unfortunate that we have been declared the enemy and rampant psychological warfare is leveled at us with every new barrage of propaganda. Technocracy defined itself as "the science of social engineering" as far back as 1938.

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Trilateral Commission Tightens Grip Over U.S. Defense Department

Prominent Trilateral Commission member Eric Schmidt is leading the charge to dominate the U.S. Defense department and hence, the Pentagon and all military branches. The Trilateral Commission is the original architect of the "New International Economic Order", now known as the Great Reset.

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Mercola: Fomenting Hatred Is A Propaganda Tool Of Tyrants

"With COVID, it took barely two months for society to go from 'we’re all in this together,' to declaring half the population subhuman." Orwell's 1984 featured "Two Minutes Hate" every morning to stir up hatred against a mythical enemy, thus leaving only love for Big Brother. The world is now in perpetual war.

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Neo-Con War Monger Insanity: ‘Monkeys With Matches In A Room Full Of Dynamite’

This essay is a bit of a ramble, but it brings up all the right points. The Technocrat loonies who are in charge of the world are doing everything they can to destroy it. Are they just idiots or are we all being played by a larger misinformation campaign to keep from looking in the right places? The Trump enigma is especially concerning.

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China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom: Packs Of Drones Hunting Humans

The faux cover for advanced drones that can fly and hunt in packs is that they will be used in rescue operations. However, there is no technology in China that has not ultimately been used for warfare or suppression of their own citizens. These drones can be easily fitted with explosives or other weapons capable of disabling and/or killing their target.

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How Technocrats Turned Your Face Into A Weapon Of War

Controversial Clearview AI has benevolently donated its facial recognition software to Ukraine to use to identify Russian invaders both dead and alive. This may be the first instance for a person's face to be used as a weapon of war and does not bode well for future warfare. Clearview scrapes images from social media and the Internet to maintain the largest repository of faces in the world.

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Fully Vaxxed Are Three Times More Likely To Die From COVID

Crimes against humanity are being played out in plain sight. Big Pharma knew exactly what they were doing in promoting dangerous mRNA injections, then withheld informed consent and spewed out endless propaganda on how safe it was for all groups. Critics, whistle blowers and the vaccine hesitant were demonized and pilloried for daring to tell the truth.

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