
Education Secretary DeVos Signs On To Globalist UN Education Agenda For U.S.

Technocracy's reach into the Trump Administration is deep and wide. The promise of dumping Common Core Education Standards and returning control to the states, has been abandoned in favor of piping directly into the United Nations globalist agenda, which is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Technocracy In Education: “A Continental System Of Human Conditioning”

Dr. Tim Ball doesn't mention it by name, but what he describes is pure Technocracy at heart. In 1934, the Technocracy Study Course defined education as “A continental system of human conditioning will have to be installed to replace the existing insufficient educational methods and institutions. This continental system of general education will have to be organized as to provide the fullest possible conditioning and physical training… It must educate and train the student public so as to obtain the highest possible percentage of proficient functional capacity. “ 

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Exposed: Harvard’s Kennedy School Charged With Producing Technocrats

Harvard Kennedy School for Public Policy is legendary in the world of academics. The problem is that it pumps out Technocrats, according to one student.  He states that the curriculum is "designed to produce elite technocrats. If you are interested in effecting meaningful change in pursuit of a better society, the Kennedy School is not for you."

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China Providing ‘Strings Attached’ Academic Financing To Force Censorship In America

The Chinese are very clever to weaponize capital in order to achieve devious ends. In this case, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) funds selected academic institutions or projects in order to coerce them into self-censorship according to Chinese policies. Congress should block such funding.

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China Has Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms With Government-Run Educational Institutes

Those who don't understand that China is a Technocracy will not understand why it has a major initiative to indoctrinate American students with Technocrat philosophy. Chinese state-run schools in America would have been unthinkable thirty years ago, but they are commonplace today, and few are raising any alarm.

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Big Red Flag: Steve Jobs And Bill Gates Raised Their Kids Tech-Free

The most prominent Technocrats in Big Tech that invented most of the technology that is taking over the world, kept their own kids away from it! This clearly shows that they knew what they were doing, and the true nature of the manipulative/addictive environment they were building. All parents should read this story and consider their own children. 

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Billionaire Tech Moguls Intend To Remake America’s Schools

Technocrat billionaires are taking over American education, recasting teachers as mere facilitators who administer self-learning modules created by the same Technocrats. This is a must read story. If you think 'government schools' were already corrupted with Common Core Education Standards, then you will really hate 'Technocrat schools' where parents will have zero input as to what their Children are taught

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Parents And Students Standing Up To Forced Gender Ideology In Schools

The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include Gender Equality (#5), which it equates with human rights. In 2016, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution clarifying Gender Equality: "Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, and gender identity." As these policies have charged into American schools, parents and students are fed up and pushing back.

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