
Joe Allen: How AI Carves Out Out Space In Your Brain

AI like ChatGPT will be totally disruptive on many levels, from white collar worker displacement to journalism. The worst danger is what it will do to the mind and its container, the brain. AI is neither sentient nor human, but billions will take it that way and turn it into objects of worship.

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Teachers, Preachers And Greens Unholy Alliance To Transform America

The bedrock of American strength has always been education and churches and both have been virtually destroyed. In particular, vast swathes of Christian churches have been transformed into centers of Earth worship and all things green. How this happened is no mystery. It was intentional with malicious intent to destroy America.

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AI: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Highjacking evolution in order to become the "intelligent designers" of life on earth reflects the urge of transhumans to become like God. It also reflects their utter contempt for God as the original intelligence behind all earthly design. Regardless of how it is positioned, the transhuman goal is anti-God and anti-human.

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Pope Francis: ‘Humanity Must Repent For Abuse Of Mother Earth’

The major denominational churches of the world have been coopted and subsumed by Technocracy to actively promote it to their congregations. Pope Francis has turned to worshipping Gaia, the primordial earth goddess in Greek mythology, leaving the trappings of Christianity far behind.

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Oxymoron: Christian Transhumanism Is Trending

There are no common points of belief between Transhumanism and Christianity, but that doesn't stop the Christian Transhuman movement from throwing in together. The resulting rhetoric doesn't make sense to either side, nor to the public-at-large.

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At Least 25 Federal Agencies Are Tracking Religious Exemption Requests

Technocracy is a natural enemy of religion because it presents truth outside of science. Much of the resistance against Technocrats and vaccine mandates comes from religious groups and especially those affiliated with Christianity. Data collection of religious exemption requests of employees and contractors across the entire Biden Administration presages a purge of Christians from public service.

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UK Miscarriages Rise 366% After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine

Granted that the numbers are still relatively small, but the statistical increase is stunning. Medical consequences of taking the COVID vaccine will not be forthcoming from Big Pharma, who invariably say that reactions are coincidental to taking the injection. In other words, they are not linked.

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State v. God: A Deeper Look Into The Intensifying Religious War

True Biblical Christianity is pitted against the Progressive state religion that would see man's effort to build the Kingdom of God on earth. The pressure to break the Kingdom of Heaven mentality will only intensify as Technocrats take over the world for their earthly Utopia.

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