
Biblical Christianity Likened To QAnon As A Conspiracy Theory

The big guns of the "cancel culture" are being leveled at Bible-believing Christians, likening them to members of QAnon. This article may offend some Christians, but it's time to wake up to how globalization is recasting Christianity as an extremist threat to national security and the scape goat for all sorts of charges.

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Christian Purge Envisioned During Biden/Harris Administration

Anti-Christian vitriol is rising out of the radical Democrat left and is more clearly framing a coming religious war in America that blames Christians for impeding the "progress" of a dark agenda. The Scientism that underpins Technocracy and Transhumanism only recognizes scientific truth while specifically excluding Biblical truth as mythical, unfounded and dangerous.

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Behavioral Analysis: The Covidian Cult

Among the many forces and objectives playing out with the globalist-driven Great Panic of 2020, cult-like behavior is coalescing into a definable cult that has all the markings typical of other cults in modern history.

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Oregon Professor Blames ‘White Christians’ For West Coast Wildfires

Global warming religionists are drawing the battle line against "white Christians" as being the source of their troubles. Professor Susan Shaw blames them for the unprecedented west coast fire season because of their disbelief of man-made global warming. Shaw's anti-Bible and anti-God views are plainly evident.

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‘Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law’

This satanic mantra was created by the early-1900s occultist, Aleister Crowley, who was arguably one of the most evil men who lived in the 20th century. As the world turns to self-centered lawlessness, it's no shock that satanic chaos reigns supreme as mobs destroy America.

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