Sustainable Development

Greta Thunberg Shuns COP27, Calls For ‘Overthrow Of The Whole Capitalist System’

Greta Thunberg has moved past global warming and onto the main event: overthrowing capitalism altogether in favor of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. This has been the goal of global warming fear mongering from the very beginning of climate alarmism. Her handlers obviously understand the scam.

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Buttigieg Pushes Total Transition To EVs By 2035

"What, me worry? Buttigieg lives in a fantasy world where just imagining something can make it a reality. A nation full of EVs would outstrip the energy grid and cause an environmental catastrophe. Green dreamers do not care about either, but only pushing their agenda to drive the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Climate Change: Composting Of Humans Will Be Legal In California After 2027

Cremation releases too much "toxic" CO2 so the answer is to allow composting of your dead loved ones to be used in your vegetable garden. This is one step away from "Soylent Green". Global warming lunacy becomes more bizarre with every passing year, but it should be rejected.

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EV Folly In North Leads To Ecological Pillaging In South

It's the same old story of rape, pillage and plunder of the land and resources of the Southern Hemisphere while the Northern Hemisphere dances with fairies and butterflies over electric vehicles and the elimination of carbon. This exact development outcome was warned about after the UNEP/Agenda 21 conference in 1992, noting that nothing had changed.

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United Nations 2.0: A Whole-Of-World Technocracy

The United Nations is getting an upgrade to prepare itself for the post-Great Reset era. The WEF and UN are all but physically merged into a giant public-private partnership to transform the world through "Innovation, Data, Strategic foresight, Results orientation, and Behavioural science."  Remember that Technocracy was defined as the "Science of Social Engineering" as far back as 1937.

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The Plague Of Green Elephants

"These disastrous Green adventures are driven by the UN Billionaires’ club and promoted endlessly by government media and education bureaucracies, and vocal vested interests. This plague of Green Elephants will destroy our industries, our farms and our access to cheap reliable fuels and electricity."

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UN Debauchery: African Nation Turned Into The ‘Rape Capital Of The World’

The UN' 17 Sustainable Development Goals promise no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being, quality education, gender equality and sustainable communities. In reality, UN "peacekeepers" do the polar opposite, raping women and children, promoting poverty and creating permanent inequality. This is the same UN that wants to run the world and dictate your health.

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Stupid Personified: Collect And Bury CO2 With 1,300 Mile Pipeline

This is a story of citizen resistance to the insanity of burying carbon dioxide, disrupting large swaths of farming operations and seriously harming local growth of plants that require CO2 for photosynthesis. These policies are anti-human and anti-civilization because CO2 is as important as is the oxygen we breath. The pressure for human depopulation rests on this same premise: humans exhale CO2.

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