February 16, 2023

Musk’s Big Nudge: Warns Global Leaders Of ‘Too Much’ World Government

Musk is a consummate Technocrat, warning against too much government. Technocracy is pointedly antithetical to government because it is illogical, unscientific and unnecessary. Technocrats want to control the world directly, without public discourse of protest. Thus, this is a subtle nudge to world leaders: "Back off".

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Useless Eaters: Drug Them, Give Them Computer Games, Let Them Eat Bugs

Technocracy is insidious, heartless and dispassionate. The original definition of Technocracy from the 1930s is "The science of social engineering". They have the science and they will use it to "engineer" minds to accept their conditioning. Like the "Borg", they say "Resistance is futile" and "We will assimilate". Technocracy's war on humanity is existential and the window of opportunity to reject it is rapidly closing.

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Whitehead: Don’t Bow Down To A Dictatorial Government

The government knows everything about us while we know virtually nothing about the government. This is backwards and evidence that the Technocratic mindset has taken over in America. We should have listened to the 1967 British TV series, The Prisoner: "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.”

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