May 7, 2023

Neera Tanden Will Replace Trilateral Susan Rice As Domestic Policy Czar

Susan Rice was point person for the Trilateral Commission in Biden's White House. She is now replaced by an equally nefarious character, Nerra Tanden, who formerly served as President of the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP was founded by Trilateral Commission member John Podesta, who is also serving in the inner court of the current Biden Administration.

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Transhumanist Peter Thiel Is Planning Cryopreservation After Death

Peter Thiel is a hardcore Transhumanist who has invested millions in life-extension technologies. To cover all the bases, he now plans to have his head frozen, post-death,  to -321 degrees Fahrenheit in hopes that he might be unfrozen at a later date to have his brain/soul downloaded into a computer to achieve immortality.

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